2305MK●Catalogue Hokkaido-Massachusetts Sister City Partnership Commemoration Exhibition: The Glory of 19th Century French Paintings Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, etc./1989, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

2006MK●Catalogue The Heart of the Edo Common People: 200 Years of Ukiyo-e Beauty from the Takahashi Seiichiro Collection Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art/1988●Suzuki Harunobu/Kitagawa Utamaro/Katsushika Hokusai, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

2310MK●Catalogue Yoko Takeoka Exhibition: Carnival - Enchanted by a Fictitious Feast Sapporo Art Park Museum/2011●Text: Yoko Takeoka, Naoto Iwasaki, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

2305MK●Catalogue Liechtenstein: The Magnificent Treasures of the Princely Family The National Art Center, Tokyo, etc./2012-2013●Text: Nobuyuki Senashi, Yoko Mori, Ayako Miyajima, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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