Shintetsu Girl with a Flower-Decorated Hat (Portrait of a Beautiful Woman) Pastel Framed Popular female figure artist Many solo exhibitions held s24030502, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

Kumiko Suzuki Mai Festa Primavera (beauty painting) F10 Oil painting Framed by Saburo Saito International Association of Women Artists Saitama Art Association s24030108, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

Minoru Hirota, At the Rehearsal Room (Portrait of a Beautiful Woman, Dancer) P10 Oil on canvas, Framed, 2007 (Special box, yellow bag), Hakujitsukai Standing Committee Member n24042802, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

Haruo Endo Old Castle of Belmonte (La Mancha, Spain) Beauty painting F20 Oil painting Framed 2014 Large work Special box Master Itozono Wasaburo s24010205, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

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