★Handmade paper Magnolia with frame Postcard size Japanese paper Postcard Picture letter Calligraphy Watercolor Ink painting Sumi-e Pressed picture Paper cutting ★, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

★Handmade paper Koichi Tsuchiya's Lake Motosu with frame, postcard size, Japanese paper, postcard, illustrated letter, calligraphy, watercolor, ink painting, sumi-e, oshie, paper cutting ★, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

★Handmade paper Musha Sarah Bernhardt of Melisande, Princess of a Distant Country with frame, postcard size, Japanese paper, postcard, illustrated letter, calligraphy, watercolor, paper cutting ★, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

★Handmade paper Mucha (7) with frame, postcard size, Japanese paper, postcard, illustrated letter, calligraphy, watercolor, ink painting, sumi-e, oshie, paper cutting ★, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

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