Collection of calligraphy and paintings [Received in the countryside: The Qing Dynasty's Imperial Criticism - Emperor Qianlong's Imperial Criticism] Hand-painted, national painting, ancient Chinese art, antiques, ornaments, prizes, 3.21, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Calligraphy and Painting Collection of Calligraphy and Paintings by Zhang Dai-chien [The Large Four-foot Painting of the Middle Hall, Hand-painted: Hand-painted, national painting, Chinese antiques, antiques, ornaments, prizes 3.21, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Calligraphy and Painting Collection [Xizang Temple Collection Buddhist Sutra Text Hand Scroll (Buddha's Sutra on the Bodhisattva's One-Way Rebirth) Wrapped in a Fine Wood Box] Hand-painted, National Painting, Chinese Antique Art, Antique, Ornament, Prize, 3.21, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Chinese ancient paintings, old collection, paintings, calligraphy [Qi Baishi] Great Auspicious Belt Floating Water Seal, A four-foot-wide pure hand-painted work: Analysis and collection of national paintings, ancient Chinese art, antiques, ornaments 6.1, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

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