[Authenticity guaranteed] Rie Yamashina Flowers, Birds, Wind and Moon, Wind Sounds Japanese painting / 30 x 30 / with sticker / young popular artist, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

[Authentic Guaranteed] Yosato Saito Flowers Oil Painting No. 8/Taisho, A Western-style painter active during the Showa period, Painting, Oil painting, Still life

[Authentic Guaranteed] Koji Yamashita Rainbow Pumpkin Rock Japanese painting No. 6 / with sticker / young popular artist / teacher: Tamako Kataoka, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

[Authenticity Guaranteed] Michel Henry Eiffel Tower, Seine River Oil painting No. 15 / Endorsed / Legion of Honor, Painting, Oil painting, Still life

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