★【Authenticity guaranteed】【Plum blossom calligraphy】Kaneko Beiken, Southern Song Dynasty painter from Saitama, 150cm x 150cm, original paper, Painting, Japanese painting, Landscape, Wind and moon

★[Authentic Guarantee] [Playing Carp by Koshu] Koshu Muto is a master of carp paintings. A refreshing work of scarlet and red carp. Framed size 10., Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

★ Authenticity guaranteed Onitsuka Kinka Oil painting Rose No. 4, Painting, Oil painting, Still life

[Authenticity guaranteed] Komuro Suiun masterpiece silk three-panel hanging scroll [Ushirozono Autumn Colors] [Auspicious Rising Sun] [Yearly Winter Elegance], Painting, Japanese painting, Landscape, Wind and moon

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