Shigeko Kawashima, [Spring of Joy], From a rare collection of framing art, Beauty products, New frame included, interior, spring, cherry blossoms, eda, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

Ito Shinsui, [Spring Window], From a rare collection of large-format artworks, In good condition, New frame with frame, free shipping, Artwork, Painting, Portraits

Torao Takagi, [Weeping cherry], From a rare collection of framing art, Beauty products, New frame included, interior, spring, cherry blossoms, eda, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

Okumura Dogyu, [Yoshino nostalgia], From a rare collection of framing art, Beauty products, New frame included, interior, spring, cherry blossoms, Japanese painter, gao, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

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