Secret Chinese modern and contemporary painter [Qi Baishi] Kaga painting core, ink painting, hanging scroll, exquisite workmanship, antique taste, antique art Z0423, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Secret Chinese modern and contemporary painter [Zhang Daichien] Landscape, Xuanshi, ink painting, hanging scroll, exquisite workmanship, antique taste, antique art Z0423, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Secret Chinese modern and contemporary painter Qi Baishi Shrimp fan face Ink painting Fine workmanship Antique delicacy Antique art Z0424, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Secret Chinese modern and contemporary painter Zhang Dai-chien Landscape painting Ink painting Hanging scroll Fine work Antique delicacy Antique art Z0423, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

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