Secrets: Chinese modern and contemporary painter Zhang Daiqian, Maid, Figure, Ink painting, Hanging scroll, Fine workmanship, Antique delicacy, Antique art Z0423, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Secret Chinese modern and contemporary artist [Zhang Daichien] Gold thread lotus ink painting hanging scroll exquisite workmanship antique taste antique art Z0423, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Secret Collection [Professor Huang Yongyu of the Central Academy of Fine Arts] Lotus Flowers by Nakado, purely hand-painted, painted gold and blue paper, hanging scroll, ink painting, extremely detailed work, rare item, antique taste, antique art L0607, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

Secret Chinese modern and contemporary painter Zhang Daichien's landscape painting, Shijo-byo screen, ink painting, hanging scroll, exquisite workmanship, antique taste, antique art Z0423, Artwork, Painting, Ink painting

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