kk13-7576[GGG] [Genuine] Takahashi Tsuneo Japanese painting No. 4 Rakutenzu Framed with sticker Tato box Buddhist painting Gold seal Gold paint Teacher: Fukuoji Horin Buddhist art, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

DE06-9167[TOM] [Genuine] Furuse Soseki, hanging scroll, silk, hand-painted, colored, with signature and seal, box, Buddhist painting, Buddhist art, teacher: Kajita Hanko, name Isuian, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

DE06-9166[TOM] [Authentic] Sakai Hōitsu, hanging scroll, paper, hand-painted, colored Suitenzu, signature and seal, box, late Edo period, painter, haiku poet, founder of the Edo Rinpa school, Buddhist painting, Buddhist art, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

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