Hasegawa Sadanobu's Kyushu Rebels Collection, Seinan War Nishikie, Saigo Takamori and others, Large Nishiki, 3-piece set, rose multicolored woodblock print, trimmed, no backing, minor damage repairs, Meiji period: Yasuda edition, shipping 220 yen, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, Warrior paintings

Hiroshige III, Tokyo Famous Places Asakusa Kinryuzan, one of the three large-scale brocade prints, left image, multi-colored woodblock print, relatively good condition, no backing or trimming, Meiji period: Uemura Seizaemon edition, carved by Hira, shipping 120 yen, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, Paintings of famous places

Toyohara Kuniteru's work, Marriage Mirror: Princess Sogen's Origami Scene from the Room of Iwakura Sogen'an, set of 3 large-scale multi-colored woodblock prints, relatively good condition, no backing or trimming, 1891: Yazawa Hisayoshi edition, shipping 30 yen, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, Kabuki painting, Actor paintings

Hiroshige's Tokaido 53 Stations Fuchu Abe River: ferry scene Showa period photo & commentary included Good condition Dainshiki multi-color woodblock print with tattoo No backing or trimming Later print Yuyudo version Shipping 350 yen, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, Paintings of famous places

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