[Used] Yoshitoshi: The Gods of Madness, published April 1989, by Tadanori Yokoo, Toyohiko Nakayama, and Ei Nakau, published by Satobun Publishing, B5, A1856, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Art Book

[Used] Inabimono Koroku Emaki Edo Yokai Catalog Published September 1994 by Kenichi Tanigawa, Shogakukan, B5, A1854, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

[Used] The World of Shigeru Komatsuzaki: Encounters with Romance, edited by Keisuke Nemoto, full-color art book, Kokusho Kankokai, B5, T414, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Art Book

[Used] Catalog for the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Kiyoshi Yamashita: A Hundred Years of Recollections 2022-2024 Step East B5 T375, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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