Indian Rajput Miniature Exhibition, Indian Miniature Paintings, 3rd Bibuchi Special Exhibition, 1984, Asahi Gallery Ogawa Shoten (Jainism, Bikaner School, Marwa School), Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

Commemorative mural for the Akasaka Palace State Guest House, Ryohei Koiso, 1974, published by Keio Department Store (painting, music), Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

Kanzan and Shide: Paintings of the Crazy Masters, 1994, Tochigi Prefectural Museum (Ink paintings, Kano School, Sotatsu, Korin, Kenzan, Sengai, Ike Taiga, Yosa Buson, Soga Shohaku), Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

Celebrating the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Jakuchu and Buson, 2016, Okada Museum of Art (Signature, Seal, Peacock and Phoenix, Thirty-six Immortal Poets Screen, Drinking Eight Immortals Picture Album), Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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