★Hans Joachim Neidhardt German Romantic Painting: Friedrich and His Surroundings ★Kodansha★Hardcover, 1st edition, 1984★With dust jacket★Good condition, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Commentary, Review

★HANAMUSHI GENSO★Atelier Third★2013 first edition★Obi★Good condition, Painting, Art Book, Collection, others

★Catalogue★Parallel World Adventure★Edited by Sapporo Art Museum★Published in 2012★Flyer, List of works, Comes with admission ticket stub ★ Beautiful copy, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

★ NYILLUSTRATION EXPRESS New York Society of Illustrators Original Art Exhibition Vol.1 ★PARCO ★1982 Art Appreciation Guide, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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