[Reproduction] [Hakuho] Landscape Painting by Zhang Ding, a Chinese artist, Chinese calligraphy and painting (hand-painted work) on colored paper - Kyoshin, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

[Reproduction] [Hakuho] Zen Songyan by Chinese artist, large hanging scroll, Chinese ancient calligraphy and painting (hand-painted hanging scroll: painted object), set colored paper book - hanging scroll, Painting, Japanese painting, Landscape, Wind and moon

[Reproduction] [Hakuho] Landscape by Liu Yiyuan, a Chinese painter, Chinese calligraphy and painting, large scroll (hand-painted work) with colored paper - Kagamishin, Painting, Japanese painting, Landscape, Wind and moon

[Reproduction] [Hakuho] Flower Picture by Jiang Tingxi, a Chinese Qing Dynasty painter, hanging scroll, Chinese calligraphy and painting (hand-painted hanging scroll: painted item), colored silk scroll, standing scroll, Artwork, Painting, others

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