Rare item, 1896, Meiji 29, Imperial portraits of the Emperors of the Age of the Gods of Japan, from Emperor Jimmu to Emperor Meiji, Amaterasu Omikami, Toyokunokami, divine painting, paper, hanging scroll, painting, Japanese painting, antique art, Artwork, book, hanging scroll

Rare antique Izumo Taisha Okuninushi-no-kami Daikokuten Ebisu-no-kami God painting God Paper Hand-painted Hanging scroll Shinto Shrine Painting Japanese painting Calligraphy Calligraphy Antique art, Artwork, book, hanging scroll

Rare item, 1929, Showa 4, Chinfusa Shrine, Sarutahiko no Mikoto, Tengu, Yamato Takeru, God painting, God, Signature, Paper, Hanging scroll, Shinto, Shrine, Painting, Japanese painting, Antique art, Artwork, book, hanging scroll

Rare Vintage Taizo Mandala Taizokai Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin Vairocana Buddha Tenko Raion Buddha Buddhist Painting Paper Hand-painted Hanging Scroll Wooden Box Buddhism Temple Painting Japanese Painting Antique Art, Artwork, book, hanging scroll

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