*Authentic* Original hand-painted painting by popular artist Antoine Henry Fragments of a Dream Oil on canvas / Paris, France / Haute couture / Painting, Painting, Oil painting, Still life

*Authentic* Original hand-painted painting by popular artist Ryu Keiko Kannon Keika Oil on canvas A mysterious work! / Spiritual art / Buddhism / Kannon / Abstract space, Painting, Oil painting, Religious paintings

*Authentic* Original hand-painted painting by Koh Tsuda JAZZ Life (WAYNE SHORTER) Mixed media Signed by hand/Leader of jazz painting/TSUDA KOH/Born in Osaka/Painting, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

*Authenticity guaranteed* One-of-a-kind original Hand-Drawn artwork illustration by picture book author Tsukasa Sugiura and Nikojii, autographed/graphic designer/illustrator/24-hour TV/children's illustration, Painting, watercolor, Portraits

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