Shigehiro Negishi, [Springtime], From a rare art book, In good condition, Brand new with high-quality frame, free shipping, cherry blossoms, Painting, Oil painting, Portraits

Nobuo Kurosawa Waiting for Spring in the Gorge, Popular works, Rare art books and framed paintings, Comes with a new Japanese frame, In good condition, free shipping, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

Iwao Yamatoya, [Spring at Tokyo Kasei University Centennial Memorial Hall], From a rare art book, In good condition, Brand new with high-quality frame, free shipping, Japanese painting cherry blossom, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

Kazusaku Kobayashi, Spring in Hyuga-Udo, From a rare art book, Brand new with high-quality frame, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

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