Y41.134 A Painting November 2014 issue Autumn leaves in Japan View of the Inlet Kiyoko Murata Hiroshi Nishifusa Art Fine arts Painting Art Painter Artist Artist Solo exhibition Exhibition, Book, magazine, art, Entertainment, art, Art History

Z10-032 Manga Master Publication date unknown File Table of contents unknown Required tools General course on how to draw How to color From story to conversation Forum, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Technique book

m4↑-213 Vienna Museum of Fine Arts, Vinzenz Oberhammer, Egyptian Department, Department of Antiques, Painting Room, Published November 25, 1967, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

m4↑-203 National Museum of Modern Art, Paris Bernard Dorival Fauvism and its Influence Crafts Plain Cat Published on May 25, 1966, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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