[German Book] Elfenreigen Hochzeitstraum Die Oldruckfabrikation 1880-1940 Wolfgang Bruckner Published in 1974 Hardcover Art Fine Art Painting, Book, magazine, art, Entertainment, art, Art History

The Voice of the Nightingale, The Voice of the Hiyo, A Collection of Haiku and Art by Yagi Kametaro, Edited by Miharu-kai, Ehime Prefecture, Miyoshi Planning, 1998, Large-format boxed book, Illustrations, Catalog, Art, Fine art, Painting, Artbook, Collection of works, Haiku, Haiga, Book, magazine, literature, novel, Tanka, Haiku

The 5th Yoko-no-Kai Exhibition Yoko-no-Kai Seibu Museum of Art 1988 Large book Exhibition Illustrations Catalogue Catalogue Collection of works Art Painting Japanese painting Art book Collection of works, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

Original Color Miyata Masayuki Kirie Art Collection Miyata Masayuki Kodansha 1974 Large book with box Illustrations Catalog Art Fine art Painting Artbook Artwork Collection Kirie, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Art Book

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