Collection of Korean Historical Materials/Commentary compiled by the Korean History Editing Committee [1935, Government General of Korea] (1996 reprint, Korea Book Center) Limited to 300 copies. Old documents, paintings, and old maps from the Yi Dynasty, Humanities, society, history, World history

Selected Works from the Zhongnanhai New Year's Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition 1985, People's Art Publishing House, Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Art Book

Beijing Dongzheng Auction Auction Catalogue Chinese Calligraphy and Painting November 2015 Chinese Art Modern Calligraphy and Painting Zai Baishi Wu Changshuo Bo Ru Zhang Daqian Wang Zhen Yu Youren Jiang Hanting, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

The 6th Eisei Bunko Exhibition: Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy (1978, Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art) Hosokawa Collection: Chinese Paintings from the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Seal Collection, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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