Original painting by Maruyama Okyo, Seven Lucky Gods, Japanese painting, silk, hanging scroll, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, kaiseki, spring, summer, autumn, winter, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

A rare original by Tessai Tomioka, Ezo, created around age 50, with original box and double box, Painting, Japanese painting, others

Genuine work by Meiji period painter Saigo Kogetsu, Autumn Fruits, Framed, Shikishi, Founder of the Japan Art Academy, Teacher: Hashimoto Gaho, Contemporaneous: Yokoyama Taikan, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

Authentic and rare work by Sai Hakuseki, Red Plum Blossoms, Late years, Master of modern Chinese painting, Chinese painting, Hanging scroll, Paper, Hand-painted, Hanging scroll, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

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