Kaida Tamotsu Art Collection, Ehime Prefecture, Seki Co., Ltd., 2002, large-format boxed book, illustrations, catalog, catalog, art, fine art, painting, art book, collection of works, Western painting, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

Tsutomu Fujii's Self-Selected Art Collection, Kyuryudo Graphics, 1989, large-format book, illustrations, catalog, art, fine art, painting, art book, collection of works, Western painting, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Art Book

Monthly Magazine Painting No.102 1972/8 Nihondo Gallery Booklet Art Fine Art Painting Special Feature: A Look at America - Degas' Sculptures, etc., magazine, art, Entertainment, Painting

Tale of the Heike: A Journey to Beauty NHK 1992 Large book Exhibition Illustrations Catalog Catalog Art Fine art Painting Art book Collection of works Japanese painting, Painting, Art Book, Collection, Catalog

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