Kitagawa Utamaro A look at the beauty of famous women in a competition of colors, Koharu Jihei 1967 Adachi Prints Reprint Ukiyo-e Selection of famous women Hand-printed woodblock print Framed Large-headed picture Nishimura Seiban [Print], Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, Portrait of a beautiful woman

Masahiko Seno Tateten ni Naru Oil on colored paper, framed, still life, original, hand-painted, oil painting, Independent Art Association O-san Award, Showa-Heisei era painter (0), Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

Ito Jakuchu Old Pine and White Phoenix Reproduction Shikishi Frame Special Craft Painting Framed K10-066, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

Yokoyama Taikan's Sacred Mountain and Flying Crane masterpiece, reproduction colored paper frame, special craft painting, framed landscape painting, Japanese masterpiece, copy, replica, painting, fine art, K10-002, Painting, Japanese painting, Landscape, Wind and moon

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