[Genuine] Rare Shen Nanpin Flower and Bird Painting, Qing Dynasty, Silk, Antique, Edo Period, Chinese Art, Nanpin School, Maruyama Okyo, Ito Jakuchu, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

Rare, authentic work by Kikuchi Keigetsu, silk, Japanese painting, Meiji and Showa eras, Japanese painter, Kyoto art world, disciple of Kikuchi Yoshifumi, painting, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

Genuine and rare work by Seiho Takeuchi, colored paper, framed Japanese painting, hanging scroll, Imperial Household Artist, Painting, Japanese painting, Flowers and Birds, Wildlife

[Genuine] Edo period Katsushika Hokusai, hand-painted, paper, painting of a madman, Japanese painting, Painting, Japanese painting, person, Bodhisattva

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