Pocket Joruri Onmaku Tamasou, Five Volumes by Sadanobu Hasegawa, woodblock print on cover, made by Kihei Nishikiya, written by Masashi Wada, Japanese books, old books, ancient documents, picture books, kusazoshi, popular songs, song books, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

Officially Approved Nishikiga Hyakuji Shimbun No. 12 by Sadanobu, Meiji Period, Children, Nishikie, Ukiyo-e, Colored Woodblock Prints, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

Woodblock print, cover, Hakkenden: Dog Tales, 24 volumes, two-panel set, by Kunisada, Toyokuni, Senka, Koueidou, and Tsutakichi, 1853, medium-sized book (12x18cm), Edo period, Ukiyo-e, Nishiki-e, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

Eisen Tomioka, woodblock print, frontispiece, Complete Guide to the Etiquette of Japanese Women, Meiji 36, Ukiyo-e, Nishiki-e, portrait of beautiful women, period piece, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, Portrait of a beautiful woman

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