Torao Takagi, [Weeping cherry], From a rare collection of framing art, Beauty products, New frame included, interior, spring, cherry blossoms, coco, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

Tatsumi Shimura Morning Bath, Rare and hard to find, Limited edition, Portrait of a beautiful woman, The Four Seasons of Japan, spring, Tatsumi Shimura, Framed in a new frame, free shipping, Artwork, Painting, Portraits

Tamako Kataoka, [Auspicious Fuji: The Spring of a Centenarian], From a rare collection of framing art, Beauty products, New frame included, postage included, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

Toshiyuki Chiyoda, [Yamatoji Spring], From a rare collection of framing art, Beauty products, New frame included, interior, spring, cherry blossoms, eda, Painting, Oil painting, Nature, Landscape painting

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