Seven Transformations of the Golden Flower, Volume 7, Part 1 by Hideyoshi Kakutei and Kunisada Utagawa, woodblock print on cover, Edo period, Toyokuni, Japanese book, ancient document, picture book, kusazoshi, cat, monster cat, yokai, ghost, strange, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

Yoshu Shuen Eastern Customs: Fortune, Seven Lucky Arms, 7HUKUMOUDE. Authentic work, Meiji period (1822), portrait of beautiful women, ukiyo-e, woodblock print, large-format, nishiki-e, fortune, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

Officially Approved Nishikiga Hyakuji Shimbun, Issues 6-10, Set of 6, Paintings by Sadanobu, Meiji Period, French People, etc., Nishikie, Ukiyo-e, Woodblock Prints, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

Woodblock print, cover, Hakkenden: Dog Tales, 18 volumes, two-panel series, by Toyokuni, Senka, 1852, Yukibaihotan, Tsutakichi, Koueidou, Nakahon, 12x18cm, Edo period, Ukiyo-e, Nishiki-e, Painting, Ukiyo-e, Prints, others

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