A painter famous for his wanderings! Kiyoshi Yamashita's pen drawing Carnation Guaranteed to be genuine, comes with a certificate of authenticity, Artwork, Painting, others

A painter famous for his wanderings! Kiyoshi Yamashita's pen drawing Izumo no Hariko no Tora Guaranteed to be an authentic work, comes with a certificate of authenticity, Artwork, Painting, others

A painter famous for his wanderings! A joint pen drawing by Kiyoshi Yamashita and his doctor Ryuzaburo Shikiba [Butterfly] Guaranteed to be genuine, comes with a certificate of authenticity, Artwork, Painting, others

A painter famous for his wanderings! Kiyoshi Yamashita's pen drawing Snail guaranteed to be genuine, comes with a certificate of authenticity and bonuses, Artwork, Painting, others

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