[Kinuto] Free shipping, black formal kimono with hidden placket, 2-11, hand-painted Yuzen, Yumesomeri, signature, crepe, with protective coating, will be tailored after successful bid, product video available, fashion, Women's kimono, kimono, Tomesode

[Kinuto] Free shipping, black formal kimono with hidden placket 1-6999, Nemoorimono, hand-painted Yuzen, doll pattern, signature, crepe, with protective coating, will be tailored after successful bid, video available, fashion, Women's kimono, kimono, Tomesode

[Kinuto] Free shipping, black formal kimono with hidden placket, 18-8, Kashiwadaya, vegetable dyeing, hand-painted yuzen, Genji picture scroll, signature, Hama crepe, protective coating, tailoring after successful bid, video available, fashion, Women's kimono, kimono, Tomesode

[Kinuto] Free shipping, Tailored Homongi 19-1, Hand-painted Yuzen, Gold-finished, Tango Chirimen, Guard-finished, Tailored after successful bid, Product video available, Women's kimono, kimono, Visiting dress, Ready-made

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