Shinagawa Pleasure Quarter History Study (First Edition) by Soji Nagata, published by the Shinagawa Sanyo Kumiai, 1929, box included, not for sale, includes many photographs and diagrams, Book, magazine, Humanities, society, culture, Folklore

Momoe Yamaguchi non-commercial photo book (CBS SONY) and 5 posters, Ya row, or, Momoe Yamaguchi

Lake Biwa Circumnavigation Song ~90th Anniversary Commemorative Book~ (Not for Sale) Taro Oguchi: Monument erected in 1988/Leona Esaki/ Many photos and newspaper articles, antique, collection, Printed materials, others

Photographic Album of Famous Places Around the World (First Edition) - Frontispiece by Ippei Okamoto::Fujikai Toka Ryu:Preface and Editors Taisho 11th Year 10th Anniversary Founding Not for Sale, Printed materials, Postcard, Postcard, Landscape, Nature

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