Showa 16 (1941) [As a memento of my youth] Suwa Chuo Tokyo Photographic College Mito Army Aviation Flying School Takuro Ogawa's posthumous work (photographs) and writings 237 pages, not for sale, Book, magazine, Non-Fiction, Culture, biography, Biography

1955 Tohoku Gakuin 70th Anniversary Photo Journal Tohoku Gakuin Alumni Association 70 pages Not for sale, Book, magazine, study, education, Educational books, Nursery books

Dai 15 The Seventh High School Zoshikan Memorial Magazine The Seventh High School Memorial Celebration Not for Sale P354 (Photo Page 8P), Book, magazine, Non-Fiction, Culture, Philosophy of life, mental health

1940 [History of the Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Imperial University] History of the Botanical Gardens, Faculty of Science, Ken Ogura, 342 pages + photo page, not for sale, Book, magazine, Natural Sciences and Technology, biology

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