●Luck of victory●Luck of money and career advancement, guardian of the Year of the Dog and Year of the Pig, Chusonji Golden Hall, Amitabha Buddha, Golden Holy Stone●1w2225a1, Handmade, Accessories (for women), others

●Good luck●Luck in winning, money, work, health, guardian of the Ox and Tiger years, Kokuzo Bosatsu, Red Saint Stone●4w2506b1, Handmade, Accessories (for women), others

●Good match●Love luck, winning luck, money luck Rengeou Senju Kannon Rat year guardian jet black sacred stone●2w2315g1, Handmade, Accessories (for women), others

●Luck of victory●God of war Kenshin Uesugi and Shingen Takeda Buddha Izuna Daigongen Jet black sacred stone●4w2313b1, Handmade, Accessories (for women), others

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