Boat Race Moritaka Kazuma 4030 (Kagawa) Autographed Colored Paper & Autographed T-Shirt SG Champion Boat Race + Bonus Waiting for the winner on the day of the victory..., Sports, leisure, Boat racing, others

Boat Race SG Champion Kazunori Shinra (Yamaguchi) Autographed Colored Paper & Autographed T-Shirt + Bonus Boat Race, Sports, leisure, Boat racing, others

Boat Racing Kazunori Kamitaki (Saga) Former Boat Racing Athlete Autographed Colored Paper + Bonus, Sports, leisure, Boat racing, others

Boat Race Women's Player Misuzu Mukai (Yamaguchi) Autographed Colored Paper + Bonus Boat Race, Sports, leisure, Boat racing, others

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