Extremely rare and in excellent condition. A signed autograph by Akaoni Yamane. *His master is Suiho Tagawa, famous for Norakuro., The names of Yamane's Red and Blue Demons (brothers) were given by Tagawa!, Comics, Anime Goods, sign, Autograph

Autographed Shikishi by Momotaro Mukashige, Adorable pictures and Senshafuda, With calligraphy of the Rakugo story Jugemu ! In excellent condition, Book, magazine, art, Entertainment, traditional culture, Rakugo

Extremely rare: San'yutei Enraku VI autographed colored paper, signature, and senshafuda included! *He was popular on Shoten under the name Rakutaro!, Book, magazine, art, Entertainment, traditional culture, Rakugo

Rare, Sanyutei Houraku autographed color paper, Auspicious picture, Senshafuda, and signature Issho Kenmei written on the card! A disciple of Enraku VI and a grand disciple of Ensho, Book, magazine, art, Entertainment, traditional culture, Rakugo

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