Dog leash [Blue & Rasta] Original paracord pet leash. Lightweight and durable. When untied, it becomes a strong 8m emergency rope. Uses parachute cord., Handmade items, Pet Supplies, Dog Leads

Dog Lead [Light Blue & Black] Paracord Handcrafted Pet Lead Lightweight and Durable Untie it and it becomes a strong 8m emergency rope Uses parachute cord, Handmade items, Pet Supplies, Dog Leads

Dog leash [Blue & Green MIX] Original Paracord pet leash, lightweight and durable, can be untied to become a 8m strong emergency rope, can be used as parachute cord, Handmade items, Pet Supplies, Dog Leads

Dog leash [blue & black] Original paracord pet leash, lightweight and durable, untie and turn into 8m strong emergency rope, can be used with parachute cord, Handmade items, Pet Supplies, Dog Leads

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